Introducing Fraud Alerts

Today we are excited to announce our new Fraud Alerting system.

We hate fraud, and do everything in our power to mitigate our customer’s risk of fraud by enforcing IP Authentication and building our High Cost Calling platform. Unfortunately, fraud still happens, and it still ruins our customer’s weekends.

We are especially fond of our weekends – so now you can configure an outbound channel threshold for your endpoints. If your endpoint exceeds that channel threshold, our network will automagically send you an email and sms to warn you of the above-threshold traffic.

We strongly encourage all of our customers to use this feature and so we are offering it for free.

How It Works

Our Fraud Alerting system allows you to specify a maximum outbound channel count per endpoint.

In order to minimize false alarms, our network does not send fraud alerts the moment the endpoint exceeds the Channel Threshold. Instead, alerts are triggered once an endpoint sustains a channel count above its threshold for more than 5 minutes within a 10 minute period.

Enabling Fraud Alerts

We have built our fraud alerting system into our Endpoint Health menu. Simply head over to the Endpoint Health section, and set your Thresholds:

Important Note

Please note that this system will not stop active calls originating from your endpoint. We will only alert you to the occurrence of higher-than-expected channel utilization and you will need to intervene manually to stop the unauthorized traffic.

Also, our stuffy lawyers want us to remind you that you are ultimately responsible for the cost of fraudulent traffic. Please use this solution along with others to mitigate your risk to being compromised. We hate fraud as much as you do <3

Read more about this feature and more in our documentation